University of Peradeniya : COVID Research Group

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Home : NEWS

  • 2021/06/25: The research group will move to a new website. The new website will be available on the URL The old website (this) will be moved to
  • 2021/06/07: We have released a new survey for undergraduate students in Sri Lankan universities on changes to mobility, food patterns, cultural and socio-political impact of COVID-19.
  • 2021/05/30: We have released a new survey for students in four Sri Lankan universities -- Peradeniya, Jaffna, Wayama and Sri Jayawardhanapura.
  • 2021/05/19: AI4COVID Learning Event
    AI4COVID learning event was held on May 19-20, with the participation of IDRC funding recipients from 9 countries around the world. The high level objective of the meeting was to clarify how each group work and learn together and foster shared understanding, collaboration and peer-based learning. Specific meeting objectives were:
    • Advance learning, and practice on the ‘how’ of designing gender responsive data projects
    • Advance learning and practice on making our data actionable by policy influence and impact pathways
    • Support collaboration and mutual problem solving across projects
    • Showcare specific projects’ activities and introduce resources to support shared learning at cohort level
  • 2021-04-01: The research group moved to the new lab space located in the main administration building, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya. This space will consist of research assistant workspaces, high performance server and a meeting area.
  • 2021/03/22: Navodini Wijethilake joined the research group as a research assistant. She will be working on medical applications of AI.
  • 2021/03/01: Three new research assistants joined the research group. Harshana Weligampola and Yasiru Ranasinghe will complementing the ML/AI research thrust of the group. Gayanthi Anuradha will be initiating the social science aspects of planned work.
    Erandi Attygalla joined the group as the research coordinator.
  • 2021/02/23: Kickoff event for IDRC grant was held at Grand Kandyan, Sri Lanka.
    The inauguration ceremony of the research project entitled "An Artificial Intelligence framework for threat assessment and containment for COVID-19 and future epidemics while mitigating the socioeconomic impact to women, children, and underprivileged groups", dubbed COVID-AI Project, took place on 23rd of February 2020 at the Grand Kandyan Hotel, Kandy adhering to the health and safety guidelines as mandated by the Government and Ministry of Health of Sri Lanka. Read more.
  • 2020/12/21: Dashboard beta released. Once deployed with fully functionality, this dashboard will faciliate public dissemination of our COVID-19 related predictions through a modern mobile responsive UI.
  • 2020/12/15: Principal investigator, Prof. Janaka Ekanayake gives a keynote at FITI : From Innovation To Impact 2020, jointly organized by Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS) and Sri Lanka Inventors Commission (SLIC) at 11:00am on the research going on at the group. [See presentation]
  • 2020/12/06: Video Presentation by Umar Marikkar about research on predictive algorithms
  • 2020/10/26: Principal investigator, Prof. Janaka Ekanayake appeared in the list of top 2% researchers around the world from a new study published by Ioannidis et. al (Stanford) in PLOS Biology.
    Read more
  • 2020/08/20: Website live.
  • 2020/08/01: The group starts work.
Prof. Janaka Ekanayake,
Princial Investigator,
COVID Research Group,
Faculty of Engineering,
Univeristy of Peradeniya,
Peradeniya [20400], Sri Lanka.
Phone: +94777146979
Fax: +94812385772
This website is monitored by Web Consultation Team, University of Peradeniya
Last updated : 25/06/2021 23:27:32 (+05:30)